Learn how to navigate your LiveHire Inbox to keep your conversations organised - whether it's a bulk message or one-on-one with your ideal candidate!
Inbox View:
Inbox – All Messages: This is a view of all your messages between you and a single candidate.
Inbox – Unread: This is a view of all your unread messages between you and a single candidate.
Inbox – Starred: This is a view of your starred messages between you and a single candidate.
Sent View:
Sent – All Sent: This is a view of all the messages you have sent through the messaging platform.
Sent – Individual: This is a view of the messages you have sent to a single candidate through the messaging platform.
Sent – Bulk: This is a view of your bulk messages sent to a group through the messaging platform.
Team View:
Team – All Messages: This is a view of all the bulk and individual messages within your company account.
Team – Individual: This is a view of the messages sent from a recruiter to a single candidate.
Team - Unread: This is a view of all unread messages sent from a candidate to a recruiter within your company account.
Team – Bulk: This is a view of the bulk messages sent to a group from any recruiter within your company.
The unread counter badge contains messages that are unread by all participants of the team. At least one participant must read the message before the unread count decreases
Unassigned View:
Unassigned – All Messages: This is a view of all the messages sent from candidates, which have not yet been claimed by a recruiter.
Unassigned – Unread: This is a view of the unread messages sent from candidates, which have not yet been claimed by a recruiter.