LiveHire Application Questions support automatic disqualification based on the applicant's response to these Question Types:
- Multiple Choice - Radio Button
- Multiple Choice - Searchable Dropdown
- Number
- Currency
Answer Scoring is only available on Multiple Choice - Radio Button and Multiple Choice - Searchable Dropdown questions.
You'll be able to set up Automatic Disqualification and Answer Scoring from the same dialog.
Configuring Automatic Disqualification
To configure Automatic Disqualification, hover over the question and click the 3 dot icon along the right hand side. This will open a menu where you can select 'Edit Scoring'.
If you'd like to Automatically Disqualify applicants based on their response, click 'Yes" under 'Automatically Disqualify'. If you select 'Yes', you must then add at least 1 Qualifying Answer below. Qualifying Answer(s) are the correct answer(s). If the applicant selects an answer that is not in the Qualifying Answers, they will be automatically disqualified.
In the example below, if the applicant answers anything other than 'Yes', they will be automatically disqualified.
Configuring Automatic Disqualifying on Number and Currency questions has a slightly different dialog.
In the example below, any answer that is below 100 will result in the application being automatically disqualified.
Configuring Answer Scoring
You configure Answer Scoring on the same dialog that you set up Automatic Disqualification. It's possible have an answer scored and automatically disqualify an applicant but it is not required. Once you've clicked Edit Scoring and the Qualifying Answers & Scoring dialog is open, you can begin by setting the Question Weighting.
The combined weighting for all scored questions does not need to equal 100. LiveHire will calculate the Application Score based on the Question Weight divided by the Total Weight of all questions.
Once you've set the Question Weight, you can then specify the score that will be associated with each answer. If an answer exists but does have have a score specified, the score for this answer will be zero (0).
In the example below, an application with a Yes response will be given the score of 100 while an application with a No response will be given the score of 50.