Easily invite single candidates or entire lists straight from your Talent Community into your Job Vacancies!
1. How to Send a Targeted Job Invite to One Candidate
2. How to Send a Targeted Job Invite to a List
How to Send a Targeted Job Invite to One Candidate:
1. Open the candidate's LiveHire Profile.
2. Click the Invite button on the right hand side of the profile.
3. Select the job you want to invite the candidate to.
4. Write a personal message or select a message template
5. Click Invite
You're done! All you have to do is wait for the candidate to accept your invitation through email or SMS.
How to Send a Targeted Job Invite to a List:
1. Create a List with your chosen candidates.
2. Open your List and select Actions.
3. Click Invite To Job.
4. Select the Job Vacancy from the list.
5. Write a personal message or select a message template
6. Click Invite
Do Not Contacts and Archived candidates will automatically be excluded from the targeted invite, even if they are in your list.
You're done! All you have to do is wait for the candidates to accept your invitation through email or SMS.