You meet great candidates every day at networking events, business trips, even in coffee shops, but sometimes your ideal candidate doesn't yet have a LiveHire Profile. We don't want this to stop you from moving the right people through the recruitment process, so we've created Temporary Profiles!
How To:
1. How to Create a Temporary Profile Against a Job
2. How to Create a Temporary Profile to Join Your Talent Community
3. How to Create a Temporary Profile to Assign to Talent Pools
4. How to Add a CV to a Temporary Profile After Initial Creation
How to Create a Temporary Candidate Profile Against a Job:
1. Open your Job Vacancy.
2. Navigate to the 'More' dropdown menu in the top right corner of the vacancy and select Add Candidate
3. Fill out the following details to the best of your ability:
- Email: If you don't know their email check "I don't know"
- Phone: If you don't know their phone number check "I don't know"
- First Name
- Last Name
- Current Role
- Current Company
- Location
- Attach CV
- Invite to my Talent Community: This function is only available if you have their email address.
- Add a personalised message to invite them to join your Talent Community.
- Assign to a Talent Pool: Assign the candidate to any Talent Pool if needed.
- Assign to a Job Vacancy: You can assign the candidate to multiple job vacancies
4. Click Add.
- A pop-up will automatically open with the temporary profile.
- Make sure all the details are correct - Once you create a temporary profile it cannot be changed until that person claims their profile.
The candidate's temporary profile will now appear in the Active Candidates stage.
Congratulations! You can now manage this candidate the same as if they have a LiveHire Profile!
How to Create a Temporary Profile to Join Your Talent Community:
1. Click the Add Candidate at the top of your LiveHire Page.
2. Fill out the following details to the best of your ability:
- Email: If you don't know their email check "I don't know"
- Phone: If you don't know their phone number check "I don't know"
- First Name
- Last Name
- Current Role
- Current Company
- Location
- Attach CV
- Invite to my Talent Community: This function is only available if you have their email address.
- Add a personalized message to invite them to join your Talent Community.
- Assign to a Talent Pool: Assign the candidate to any Talent Pool if needed.
- Assign to a Job Vacancy: You can assign the candidate to multiple job vacancies
3. Click Add.
- A pop-up will automatically open with the temporary profile.
- Make sure all the details are correct - Once you create a temporary profile it cannot be changed until that person claims their profile.
Congratulations! You've now created a temporary profile for your candidates!
How to Assign a Temporary Profile to Talent Pools:
1. Click the Add Candidate at the top of your LiveHire Page.
2. Fill out the following details to the best of your ability:
- Email: If you don't know their email check "I don't know"
- Phone: If you don't know their phone number check "I don't know"
- First Name
- Last Name
- Current Role
- Current Company
- Location
- Attach CV
- Assign to a Talent Pool: Start typing the name of the Talent Pool you'd like to assign the candidate to. You can assign the candidate to multiple Talent Pools.
3. Click Add.
- A pop-up will automatically open with the temporary profile.
- Make sure all the details are correct - Once you create a temporary profile it cannot be changed until that person claims their profile.
How to Add a CV to a Temporary Profile After Creation:
Sometimes you may need to create a temporary profile even thought you don't have the CV yet. Here's how to add a CV to a temporary profile after creation.
1. Find the candidate in your Talent Community
2. Open the candidate's temporary profile and either Drag & Drop or Browse to attach the CV
3. The CV will now be attached to the profile and can be downloaded via the 'Download CV' tab on the right.
- Please note: the CV may be overwritten when the candidate claims the temporary profile