Using lists not only helps you compare talent side by side, but also creates an easy way to perform bulk actions. Learn how to create a list here!
Bulk Actions in Lists:
1. How to Send Targeted Invites
3. How to Move a List Through the Talent Pipeline
5. How to Assign to a Talent Pool
How to Send Targeted Invites:
1. Open your List.
2. Open the Actions dropdown menu.
3. Click Invite to Job
4. Select the Job Vacancy from the list.
Do Not Contacts, Hired, and Archived candidates will automatically be excluded from the targeted invite, even if they are in your list.
5. Select a message template to send to the candidates.
- Don't have any message templates set up? Learn how to create them here
6. Click Invite
You're done! All you have to do is wait for the candidates to accept your invitation through email or SMS.
How to Send Bulk Messages:
1. Open your List.
2. Open the Actions dropdown menu.
3. Click Message.
4. Type your message in the text box or select a message template to use.
Please note: Do Not Contacts will not be sent the message.
5. Click Send.
How to Move Your List through Your Talent Pipeline:
1. Open your List.
2. Open the Actions dropdown menu.
3. Click Move to
4. Select which step in the Talent Pipeline to move the candidates to
5. Click Move.
How to Add Bulk Tags:
1. Open your List.
2. Open the Actions dropdown menu.
3. Click Add Tags.
4. Search the tags or create your own and click Apply.
How to Assign to a Talent Pool:
1. Open your List.
2. Open the Actions dropdown menu.
3. Click Assign to Talent Pool.
4. Search for your Talent Pool(s) and click Assign.